Our Values
We are a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) school and have identified these 4 key values as a basis for behaviour across the school. All our staff prefer to praise expected behaviours as a way to foster a safe and friendly culture for our children and community. A restorative style of communication is used to support positive behavioural change.
Our values of Manaakitanga (representing caring), Kotahitanga (representing a unified approach to a peaceful community), Kaitiakitaanga (representing guardianship of our physical environment, both natural and built) and Maramatanga (representing enlightenment and learning success) align closely with the 10 Learner Profile qualities that are embedded in an IB education to promote international mindedness.
Children are acknowledged for expected behaviours in school with Ko Wai Au cards and are incentivised through acknowledgement at regular school hui and a simple rewards system.